With a BASE monthly plan, do I need to predefine the split between data and calling upfront?

No, at BASE you never have to configure your monthly plan. Our various plans offer unlimited calling and sms. You also get data to surf. 

Good to know: When you have a monthly plan, you always benefit from Data Jump and Free Data Day.

I still have the old € 15 monthly plan

Then, what you do with your monthly plan is completely up to you. Lots of browsing, fewer calls? Great! The opposite the following month? Also great! Your monthly plan simply adapts to your usage.

Tip: If you don't remember the nam of your monthly plan, you can find it on your bill/invoice. Is it '15 Based on you'? Then you can, indeed, decide where you spend your credit at (calling or surfing).

Our latest monthly plans are often more advantageous and make your life easier. Would you like to enjoy the benefits of our newest plans? Discover our offer and choose the plan that best matches your usage! You can easily switch plans on My BASE or through the My BASE app