Set/change limits and notifications for (data) usage

In My BASE you can set your usage notifications and limit your domestic and international mobile usage.

  • In My BASE, you go to Mobile under Manage your usage.
  • In the My BASE app, you click on your number onder Your products.

Set your usage notifications

Click on the tile Usage notifications under Manage your usage.

  • Via the menu you can set how (by email or SMS) and when you want to be notified about your data usage in and out of your bundle : when you have used up 75%, 90% or 100% of your data. You can also define these usage notifications for your options.
  • Do you have a monthly plan? Then you can choose to receive notifications when your usage goes beyond your bundle.

Note: When you achieve one of the defined thresholds, we send you a notification. However, we do not block your usage. Do you continue surfing? Then you keep using your data/options (in or out of your bundle). 

Limit your mobile usage

Click on the tile Barrings (on the website) or Out of plan limits and barrings under Manage your usage. There you can switch some or all services on or off, in Belgium or while abroad, and for premium-rate numbers. This way you can maintain control of your spending.