To be able to guarantee you optimal conditions of use, our unlimited offers are exclusively restricted to normal personal and private use. They are exclusively reserved for use via mobile or smartphone, any other use being prohibited. This normal use allows you very intensive use. Only in case of fraude (including commercial use of the contract, in particular for call center or simbox purposes, and/or making the service available to third parties, e.g. through hotspotting), dishonest use or, more generally, use that is not in accordance with the use that could be expected of a customer who concludes a contract for mobile telephony (such as in particular the use of your mobile as a babyphone or – in the framework of an unlimited mobile data offer – the use of the simcard in, for example, surveillance camera’s or gateway devices) there is no normal personal and private use.
Your use will, for example, be deemed fraudulent in the following cases:
In all these cases Telenet Group reserves the right to restrict the delivery of the service or to suspend and/or terminate your contract.