Discount on smartphones valid 03/01/2025 through 30/01/2025 with a BASE monthly plan for existing BASE customers and/or new BASE customers (who were not postpaid customers in the 3 months preceding the acceptance of the offer), while stocks last. Subject to activation of a BASE monthly plan of the above-mentioned amount/month, the customer will receive the mentioned discount on the purchase price of the handset, subject to payment by direct debit and subject to acceptance of a 24-month amortization table. Upon termination of the monthly plan by the customer or change to a lower rate plan within the 24 months, BASE reserves the right to reclaim the residual value of the discount on the smartphone. Promotion limited to one device per activated new subscription. Max. 3 current amortization tables per customer; the acceptance of an additional table is not allowed unless the residual value of the discount obtained as a result of a previous smartphone promotion is refunded (by offsetting on the next bill). Promotion is not combinable with other promotions, except for the combined offer for Internet and TV.
More info on The stated offer and price are subject to material (printing) errors, mistakes and/or changes.
R.P.: Telenet Group NV (trading under the commercial name BASE) | Registered office: Liersesteenweg 4 | 2800 Mechelen | RPR Antwerpen division Mechelen | Company number 462.925.669