Everything about my direct debit

What is a direct debit?

A direct debit is an automatic payment order. This means that the payment of your BASE bills/invoices will happen automatically. In other words... always on time! 

How to activate a direct debit?

You can easily activate a European direct debit (SEPA) via Doccle or on My BASE. Go to Your invoices/bills in the My BASE app or on My BASE and click on Receive/pay your invoice/billSubmit a request and we will activate the direct debit as quickly as possible.

Good to know

  • Note that it will take several days for your direct debit to be activated. You next bill/invoice will clearly mention whether  the direct debit is already active. Is it not active yet? Then make sure to pay this bill/invoice either online or by bank transfer.
  • As soon as "The amount of <€ xxxx> will be deducted from your European direct debit <yyyyyyyyyyy> on <ddmmyyyy>" is stated on your bill/invoice, your direct debit is properly active.

Other questions

It's simple! Submit a new request via My BASE.

Please note! When your bank refuses European direct debit (SEPA), Telenet Group will no longer automatically offer your next bills/invoices for payment. You will first have to activate the direct debit again.

Simply submit a new request via My BASE or contact us. Be sure to keep your customer and mobile number at hand.  

Pay your bill/invoice either online via the My BASE or by transfer. Then reactivate your European direct debit (SEPA).

Your customer number contains ten digits and can be found under Customer no. on your bills/invoices or on My BASE.