No connection on my BASE TV box

To watch TV on your BASE TV box, you need an internet connection. Having problems with Replay TV, the TV guide or live TV? Then your BASE TV box has probably lost its connection.

Tip: Use a network cable for the best picture and sound quality.

Press the house button > gear > System > Diagnostics. Check whether your BASE TV box is still connected to the internet.

  • Check that all the network cables are properly connected, in both your BASE TV box and BASE modem as well as the wall socket or Wi-Fi booster, if any. You will hear a click when the cable is all the way in.
  • Maybe a cable is damaged. Try a different network cable (UTP category 5). Is your TV box not connected directly to the modem? Then the cable in the wall, from your socket to your modem, may be broken. 
  • If possible, temporarily connect the TV box directly to the BASE modem.

Unplug your modem, BASE TV box and Wi-Fi booster (if any) from the mains socket. Then power up your hardware again, in the proper order:

  1. Plug your modem back into the mains socket. It can take a few minutes to start up. 
  2. Do you have Wi-Fi boosters? Then connect them once your modem has started up. 
  3. Finally, plug in your BASE TV box again. You can watch TV again as soon as your TV menu appears.

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