Would you like to transfer or take over an existing BASE monthly plan? That's easy. We'll explain how.
Important: unless you indicate otherwise during the takeover or transfer process, the current terms and conditions of the monthly plan will remain in place.
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How do I return the takeover document?
Send us the completed form together with the required documents:
Telenet Group
BO Admin Support
Liersesteenweg 4
Do not return the form, but go to a BASE shop with the person you want to transfer the number to. You must identify yourself with your identity card.
We will inform you by SMS when the transfer has been completed. Until then, you remain responsible for the use of the services and any associated costs.
The transfer is only possible if all bills/invoices have been paid.
Whether you are a private or professional user, if you wish to transfer a monthly plan in the event of a death, please complete our digital transfer form.