To get fixed internet from BASE, your home must be connected to the network on the street. That is what the drop cable is for. If you don't have a drop cable yet, you need to provide and install one yourself (or have it installed). The cable must be in one piece. As soon as the cable is connected to the network, you automatically and irrevocably transfer the ownership of the drop cable to the concerned network provider.
Check below to see what you need to prepare.
Exactly what you need to prepare depends on which network you use. If you don't know which network (Telenet or VOO) is available at your address, check first whether your address can be connected!
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You have this
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You have this
You have this
You will find the distribution point on the street, either on a façade or on a pole. In flats, the distribution point is sometimes in a technical room. So look for this:
These are grey or white boxes that are often located at the property line between you and your neighbour, possibly at the kerb or even across the street.
Runs via cables along the façade: you will find the distribution point at the first floor level or under the gutter, either on your house or your neighbour's.
Runs via cables on timber or concrete poles: The distribution point can be found hanging on one of those poles. No pole by your house? Be sure to look across the street.
The length determines which type of drop cable you need. So check the length between the distribution point and the location of your BASE installation in your home. Always measure this distance along a path that follows right angles.
Always add a few extra metres to the measured length, based on the type of distribution point you have:
Were you successful? Then click the button below and look up the correct cable type in the table. You can buy all types of drop cable at an electrical shop.
Tip: Leave the remaining length of cable needed to finish the connection rolled up at the edge of your property. The technician will finish installing the drop cable and connect it to the distribution point.
If your home is a newly built flat or a house in a newly built neighbourhood, the contractor may have already pre-installed the drop cable. Be sure to check that with the contractor.
You will find the distribution point on the street, either on a facade or on a pole. In flats, the distribution point is sometimes in a technical room. So look for this:
These are grey or white boxes that are often located at the property line between you and your neighbour, possibly at the kerb or even across the street.
Runs via cables along the façade: you will find the distribution point at the first floor level or under the gutter, either on your house or your neighbour's.
Runs via cables on timber or concrete poles: The distribution point can be found hanging on one of those poles. The cable of the distribution point goes to your house and runs along the façade. No pole by your house? Be sure to look across the street.
Runs via cables on timber or concrete poles: The distribution point can be found hanging on one of those poles. The cable of the distribution point runs to your house and continues underground. No pole by your house? Be sure to look across the street.
The length determines which type of drop cable you need. So check the length between the distribution point and the location of your BASE installation in your home. Always measure this distance along a path that follows right angles.
Always add a few extra metres to the measured length, based on the type of distribution point you have:
Were you successful? Then click the button below and look up the correct cable type in the table. You can buy all types of drop cable at an electrical shop.
After choosing the correct type of drop cable and the correct length, install the cable on your own property. Depending on the distribution point, you run the drop cable for the...
If your home is a newly built flat or a house in a newly built neighbourhood, the contractor may have already pre-installed the drop cable. Be sure to check that with the contractor.
Hurray! Your drop cable is laid. You can...
For connection of your drop cable it is best to contact us at least six weeks in advance. This gives us time to prepare your cable connection properly (applying for permits, scheduling, preparing excavations, etc.).