This is where you will find all the details (amount, reference) for making your payment as well as BASE's bank details (bank account number).
Have you just received your first bill or recently changed plans? Then you may have some questions. Here you will find everything you need to know about your first BASE bill or your first bill after changing plans.
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You have this
You have this
You have this
You have this
You have this
You have this
The top section of your bill contains the most important information:
This is where you will find all the details (amount, reference) for making your payment as well as BASE's bank details (bank account number).
On the second page of your bill you see a detailed overview of your products, services and usage.
In this section you see an overview of your monthly plan (mobile, internet and/or TV) and the monthly amount you pay for them for next month. If you have a discount, it is deducted here.
You will also find a general overview of your usage (calls, texts , data (GB) etc.)
for the past period. If you had usage beyond your mobile plan or purchased
additional volume for fixed internet, that extra usage appears here too.
These are services provided by external providers (e.g. bus or parking ticket, games, paid apps, online purchases, PayByMobile etc.).
If you made purchases via your BASE bill, you will find them under third-party services on your bill.
Read more about third-party services.
Are you entitled to compensation? This will be automatically deducted from your next bill once the interruption has been fully resolved. You can find this in the summary on the first page and in the detailed attachment under compensations: compensation following service interruption.
Please note that if there was already a bill on the way just after the outage, the compensation will not be shown until the next bill.
First you see the total amount for this bill.
Carried-over bundle
This section shows how much data (GB) or other bundles you carried over to the next month, for example thanks to Data Jump.
Here we give you some useful tips concerning your bill.
Request direct debit payment quickly and easily in the My BASE app or via your My BASE. Payments will then be deducted from your bank account automatically. That way you won't have to worry and your payments always arrive on time!
If you just activated direct debit payment, you may still have to pay your next bill by bank transfer. This is because activation of direct debit payment takes a few days. You can easily check this under "Payment information" on the first page of your invoice.
Thanks to the My BASE app or My BASE, you can pay your bill in seconds.
In the My BASE app, click on the "Billing" tab. Then click on "Pay your account balance" and select a payment method.
On My BASE, from the home screen, click on "Invoices". A "Pay Now" button will appear below your account balance. Click and follow the steps to make the payment.
Prefer to pay by bank transfer? The payment details and bank account number are also shown on your bills. Here are the details you will need:
Note: If you are entering a memo date, enter a date at least two days before the due date to avoid your line being blocked!
Still receiving your statements by post, but prefer to get them in your inbox? Then it is time to switch to digital bills. It's simple, handy and quick. Read how to do it here.